A tea kettle designed to help elderly persons with shaky hands from arthritis pour water safely. 
A N A L Y Z I N G   T H E   U S E R 
Focused on empathetic design for elderly persons. I wanted to help the issues that come with aging in place while still trying to maintain the same value of life.
PAIN POINT: Difficulty picking up and pouring tea kettle due to its weight and having shaking hands can lead to spilling boiling water and burns
C U R R E N T   M A R K E T
C O N C E P T   D E V E L O P M E N T
Rapid Prototyping
Deciding between a central axis or a sled base for pouring and figuring out which one leads to a better pour. Ultimately decided on a central axis: more controlled and adaptable to different mugs. 
Developing design for an electric kettle that pours from revolving on a middle axis point. Kettle is lifted up, clicks into place, and then tilts over to pour out boiling water. 
3D printed kettle form for size reference and to test stream of water to make sure spout shape worked well
R E F I N I N G   D E S I G N 
Discovering problem points and coming up with solutions to fix them
REFINED DESIGN: Takes up less counter space and kettle is removable from heating base for easy filling
I N S T R U C T I O N A L   B O O K L E T   I L L U S T R A T I O N S 
F I N A L   D E S I G N   F E A T U R E S 
MATERIALS: ceramic coated stainless steel kettle, high contrasting plastic colors for base and handles for a bright and modern kitchen statement piece

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